The Local Offer
SNAP has worked with the Local Authority to co- produce the Local Offer – the aim of this website is to offer parent carers a ‘one stop shop’ to find information about services you may need if you have a child or young person with SEND. You can find the Local offer here:
Central Bedfordshire Council – SEN & Disability – Local Offer >>
Contact supports families of disabled children across the UK, whatever their condition or disability. They provide information, advice and support and bring families together so they can support each other. Contact campaigns to improve their circumstances, and for their right to be included and equal in society.
Contact >>
Council for Disabled Children
We are the umbrella body for the disabled children’s sector bringing together professionals, practitioners and policy-makers.
councilfordisabledchildren >>
SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years
Visit to view the statutory guidance on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) system for children and young people aged 0 to 25, from January 2015.
SEND Code of Practice
Children and Families Act
Read the Children and Families Act 2014 published on
Children and Families Act >>
Care Act
Read the Care Act published on
Care Act >>
Central Bedfordshire Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice & Support Service (SENDIASS)
This is a statutory service, working at arm’s length from the authority and offers a free confidential support service for parents and carers of children with special educational needs.
Central Bedfordshire Special Educational Needs & Disability Information, Advice & Support Service >>
We are the leading organisation providing independent legally based advice and support for the families of children with SEN and/or a disability. There is no other organisation offering the range of free, independent and legally based support that IPSEA provides.
We offer a free, friendly, independent and confidential telephone helpline for parents and others looking for information and advice on Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).
PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) offers a point of contact within the organisation for patients, their families and carers. They provide:
• advise and support patients, their families and carers
• provide information on NHS services
• listen and respond to your concerns, suggestions or queries
• help sort out problems quickly on your behalf
Download their leaflet for a full description of the services they provide – 0277-PALS-April-2018
Tel: 0300 131 1000 or E-mail:
4YP provides four core services that enable young people to make a successful transition to adulthood; these include impartial careers information, advice and guidance, intensive support and mentoring and youth work.
4YP >>
HomeStart Central Bedfordshire
Home-Start Central Bedfordshire helps young children and their families who are struggling with physical and mental ill health, disabilities, bereavement and domestic abuse.
HomeStart Central Bedfordshire >>
Carers in Bedfordshire
Carers in Bedfordshire strive to identify and support all carers of family and friends. We will enhance their health and well-being by offering specialist support according to their needs and wishes. We will ensure carers voices are heard and respected in the development and delivery of all services.
Carers In Bedfordshire >>
Families United Network (FUN)
Families United Network (FUN) is a member based charity supporting children and young people living with additional needs or disabilities throughout Bedfordshire. FUN provides service for families with children and young people aged from birth to 40 years.
Families United Network (FUN) >>
Autism Bedfordshire
Autism Bedfordshire’s services help break down the barriers to social participation for people with autism and their families by providing places where they can go and feel comfortable, accepted and not judged by society.
Autism Bedfordshire >>
Outside-iN is dedicated to supporting and educating families, adults and professionals living with or working with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and associated conditions.
Outside-iN >>
Bedfordshire Inclusive Girlguiding ( BIGG )
Tactic – Teenage Advice and Information Centre
Teenage Advice and Information Centre where 12 to 19 year-olds can get free advice on a variety of topics, meet new people, share experiences and have lots of fun.
Tactic – Teenage Advice and Information Centre >>
Disability Resource Centre Dunstable
Empowering people of all ages who are affected by disability or health conditions to fulfil their potential and aspirations
Disability Resource Centre Dunstable >>
Spectrum Community Arts
Disability is not an inability! Here at Spectrum Community Arts, our aim is to enable participants to develop their self-esteem and self-expression in a safe, encouraging environment.
Spectrum Community Arts >>
Bedford & District Cerebral Palsy Society (BDCPS)
We focus on ABILITY rather than disability. We go to great lengths to ensure all clubs are inclusive, creative, inspiring and empowering.
Bedford & District Cerebral Society >>
Freddie and Friends Sunshine Stop
Making a difference to our Additional needs community
Freddie and Friends Sunshine Stop >>
Families in Focus
Families in Focus CIC provides parenting courses that support parents, grandparents and adoptive parents in their local community to bring harmony, balance and enjoyment to family life.
Families in Focus >>
Our aim is to improve health and social care services in Central Bedfordshire
Healthwatch >>
Kids in Action
Transforming Lives, Supporting Those Who Need It The Most
Kids in Action >>
Special Needs Out Of School Club (SNOOSC)
SNOOSC offer a range of activities for young people aged 9 – 25 who have special needs or disabilities
POhWER Advocacy Support Centre
We are a charity that provides information, advocacy and advice services across England, offering direct and local support via Professionals and Volunteers. Our independent, free services reach individuals struggling with particular challenges in their lives.
POhWER Advocacy Support >>
Mencap Leighton Buzzard
Mencap Leighton Buzzard provide a welcoming, secure and stimulating environment with a support system for parents.
Mencap Leighton Buzzard >>
Disability Matters
Our free e-learning resource for the UK workforce
Disability Matters >>
Sentas is a non-profit Community Interest Company and was formed to provide parents and young adults with information, advice and advocacy around issues with SEN home to school and college transport
Sentas >>
Advice Central
B.D.S.S.G is a parent run charity which supports families of children with Down’s Syndrome. We support other parents by sharing information and creating opportunities for families to socialise and learn together. We support our children by arranging specific activities and by working with other agencies to increase awareness of Down’s Syndrome and improve the opportunites available to people with the condition.
B.D.S.S.G >>
List of National Charities
National Autistic Society
We provide information, support and pioneering services, and campaign for a better world for autistic people
National Autistic Society >>
Family Fund
Family Fund is the UK’s largest charity providing grants for families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people
Family Fund >>
Groundwork has a team of qualified youth workers who understand the unique challenges young people face.
Currently, Groundwork delivers youth provision across Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire as well. We provide open access youth clubs in Arlesey, Biggleswade, Dunstable, Houghton Regis, Leighton Buzzard, Sandy, Potton, Toddington and Melbourn. Delivery also includes projects with schools and needs-led daytime work and Mentoring.
Family Action
Our free FamilyLine Service tackles these issues in a new and innovative way by using a network of volunteers from across the country to support parents and carers through telephone calls, email and text message.
Family Action>>
Helpful information leaflets and a closed Facebook page to ask legal questions