Please help us by clicking on this link. Link for ‘Test the Temperature’

SNAP PCF are really pleased to have our work recognised by Contact a family for disabled children. We listened to the feedback from our families and worked with Central Bedfordshire Council and the local NHS providers to make positive changes.

Our Director Kirsty Green was nominated and won a Championing SEND Award from My Family Your Needs

‘This person tirelessly represents parents of children with SEND. They are NEVER intimidated by their local authority. A true SEND champion and massively respected. I have learnt so much from them and it’s fantastic to have an ally.’

Contributing to change – How to successfully influence your Local Authority – Thank you to My Family Your Needs for writing this blog about SNAP PCF.

“When parents/carers of young people with SEND unite, messages become louder and those in influential positions begin to listen. But what’s the journey to reach that point? MFON speaks to Kirsty Green, Director of Special Needs Action Panel Parent Carer Forum (SNAP PCF), a pro-active group of parent carers in Central Bedfordshire, to find out more about the group’s success story.”

PDA = Coproduction.pdf

August update

Summer Update August 2020

Transport update August 2020

Summer Term Newsletter 2020

SNAP PCF Update – Area SEND Inspection Report (WSoA)

EHC plans – Guidance on temporary legislative changes (DfE)

Newsletter UPDATE April 2020

Easter Newsletter

Update Covid-19 Information

Spring Term 2020 SNAP PCF Newsletter

SNAP PCF Autumn Term 2019

SNAP PCF Annual Report March 2018 – March 2019
1) December 2018 Short Breaks. Newsletter_
SNAP Newsletter Autumn 2018_ (002)
SNAP SB Survey with conclusions (002)
SNAP newsletter Summer 2018 –
The Legal Test for an EHC Needs Assessment – Entitlement and Provision – 21March18
April 18 SNAP Annual Report
SNAP newsletter Spring Term 2018
SEND – Travel
SNAP newsletter School Holiday Edition 2017
SNAP newsletter Summer 2017
Strategy Day 2017 – Final Copy – WebsiteStrategy Day 2017 – Final Copy – Website
Strategy meeting summary (2)SNAP SB Survey with conclusions (002)
SNAP Newsletter Spring 2017 – survey update

SNAP Newsletter Autumn 2016
SNAP Newsletter Spring 2016