A message from Kirsty Green, Director of SNAP PCF
We thank the parent carers who completed our latest Test the Temperature survey. This has now provided us with data to track progress from November 2020 to August 2024.
Following the SEND Partnership receiving an Accelerated Progress Plan, we have carried out three Test the Temperature surveys to mainly focus on the EHCP and Annual Review process and whether parent carers feel listened to and communicated with. This report shows a further decline in parental satisfaction levels; please see the ‘Satisfaction Rates Over Time’ graph on page three of our latest report.
Our report will be discussed at the next SEND Overview and Scrutiny subcommittee meeting, which will be held on October 17th, 2024. Our Director, Kirsty Green, will attend.
We have added two case studies to our report as it was essential to get a fuller picture of some of the barriers facing our families.
We will continue to listen to all feedback. When we hear positive feedback, we champion this in meetings. We will continue to raise issues in our parent carers report and suggest ways to address these.
As always, we are only as strong as the parents who wrap around us and support us; we never take this for granted and will always appreciate your time and support; we cannot do this work without you.
SNAP Parent Carer Forum conducted a survey in 2024 to explore the extent to which young people and their parent carers are experiencing the four pathways to support young people move into adulthood.
- Paid employment
- Independent Living
- Community inclusion, friends, and relationships
- Good health
Please read our report and recommendations (link to report).
SNAP PCF is pleased to announce the release of our most recent Test the Temperature Survey Report. We extend our gratitude to the parents who dedicated their time to completing this survey; your participation is invaluable, and we really appreciate your ongoing support. Regrettably, the data reveals a continuing decline in parent carers’ satisfaction levels with the Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) process and highlights continuing poor communication from the EHC Team. Page 16 features a compelling word cloud, vividly expressing the sentiments of many parent carers.
Central Bedfordshire Council has committed to addressing recommendations from both the Spring and Autumn Term survey reports.
For reference, the action plan stemming from the recommendations in our Spring Term 2023 survey is available at;
The Local Offer website
https://localoffer.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/kb5/centralbedfordshire/directory/site.page?id=uSMYSdCN4QU, hosts the previous plan.
Previous response 2023
Thank you to Dr Helen Phelan, Assistant Director for SEND at Central Bedfordshire Council for proving this update to SNAP PCF
Thank you to SNAP PCF for undertaking the survey, and the parents who have taken the time to complete it.
We value hearing from our parents and carers and whilst it is really disappointing to hear of many parents’ experiences, the recommendations in the report are helpful.
We will continue to listen and respect the feedback from our SEND families and work with SNAP PCF and partners across the SEND Partnership to bring about the improvements we acknowledge are needed.
You can read our full response on our Local Offer website:
https://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/news/article/967/send_parent_temperature_check_survey_results_published, including how we, and our partners, are responding to the individual recommendations.
1) SNAP PCF Test the Temperature June 2023 report Final
SNAP PCF SEND Survey Report March 2022 – Our report reflects 498 voices from parents and carers about their lived experience with a child or young person with Special Educational Needs Disability (SEND) who live in Central Bedfordshire. The SNAP Parent Carer Forum (SNAP PCF) SEND Survey measures parents and carers’ satisfaction with the services they and their children access within Education, Health, and Social Care. This SEND Survey compares data to the previous SEND Survey we carried out in November 2020 which received 636 family responses.
We have shared our report and met with Central Bedfordshire Council and the BMLK Clinical Commissioning Group and will continue to work with them on improving SEND services for our families. Please see their response to our report below
“Sarah Ferguson, Deputy Director of Children’s Services and Anne Murray Chief Nurse, BLMK Clinical Commissioning Group said:
Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the SNAP Parent Carer Forum survey. The views of parent carers about the services they receive are extremely important to us in helping to shape practice and the future delivery of services.
We know the improvements we are seeking to make take time to deliver, and we are disappointed that parents are not seeing a difference yet. We are committed to improving the outcomes of children and young people with SEND and their families and have made extensive changes over the last couple of years. Although progress against the Written Statement of Action has been made, we know that there is more to do, and we will continue to use parent feedback to ensure service improvements are based on the lived experiences and impact of changes on the lives of children and young people with SEND.
We will be reviewing the recommendations made in the report as a partnership, working closely with SNAP to co-produce a clear plan of action which we will publish by the end of May 2022. The action plan will contain information on how we intend to address the issues that have been raised, along with timescales and how we will measure the impact of the changes made in response to the feedback from the survey.”
1) SNAP SEND Survey 2022 Final
SNAP PCF ran our annual survey to measure parental satisfaction of local SEND services between October to November 2020. We would like to thank the 636 parent carers who took the time to complete this.
SNAP Parent Carer Forum Steering Group has written a report to highlight the current level of parental satisfaction within Central Bedfordshire. This should be read in conjunction with the survey results which are drawn from the responses of 636 parent carers (please see below). We have compared the current survey data with that collected in November 2019, to measure any progress made.
Parents have completed the survey to reflect and share their lived experience, which must be valued, respected, and most importantly acted upon. We have reported the finding to Central Bedfordshire Council, the Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group, Cambridge Community Health Services, East London Foundation Trust, the Department for Education and NHS England. We will continue to push the SEND agenda for our families and work towards the improvements needed as part of the Written Statement of Action (WSoA) https://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/info/133/improving_send_services
SNAP PCF report on the November 2020 Survey with data and comments Final
SNAP Parent Carer Forum ran a survey in 2018 to review the satisfaction levels of parents in Central Bedfordshire regarding the services they receive to support their families. The results of this survey and our report can be found on this page. We wanted to update the survey results and with OFSTED and the CQC carrying out a Joint Area SEND Inspection during November 2019.
154 parents completed the survey, there were only a few days to do so as we needed to collate the information for the inspection in a very short period of time. We would like to thank parents for completing the survey as it is vital we hear parents views.
We have shared the survey results, families feedback that we had received in the last 12 months and our report with OFSTED Inspectors on the 18.11.2019. SNAP PCF has also shared the report and data from our survey with Central Bedfordshire Council and the Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group to ensure they hear the voice of the families in Central Bedfordshire with the aim to coproduce an improved service in the future.
1. SNAP PCF SEND Survey Report
Strategy Meeting with the Local Authority and Health Partners
Thank you to everybody who completed our Satisfaction with SEND Services in Central Bedfordshire survey. SNAP assembled all the data into a presentation and report which we delivered to key partners from Health, Social Care and Central Bedfordshire Council. Having carefully removed any and all data that could identify individuals, we felt privileged to be able to present every single parent comment from the survey, as a true reflection of the parent voice. The results will also influence the direction and priorities of SNAP as a forum.
19.6.18 Strategy meeting Survey Presentation_
Report from the Satisfaction survey