Following on form the work we have been doing with Central Bedfordshire Council to develop an inclusive offer for families attending local services such as libraries, sports centres, country parks, youth clubs and children’s centres we are holding a Parent Panel to review this.

We will have two Central Bedfordshire Council Commissioning Officers attending the meetings. We will give you a £15.00 Marks and Spencer voucher for attending, we will ask you to complete a receipt on the day (example attached). Please note this is first come first served, we need fifteen parents to attend.

Central Bedfordshire Council will also be holding an engagement event for parents to attend to discuss their views on Short Breaks, as soon as we have more information we will let you know.

You may also like to look at our Short Breaks information page on our website for further information

Please get in contact with or call 07984 545044 if you would like further information or to book a place.

Parent Panel – Reviewing Leisure Services 25th February 10.30am-12.30 The Disability Hub, Dunstable